How To Keep Your Tile and Grout Floor Clean with this Big Secret
Having a clean floor is the best. It feels like stepping into a sanctuary place. It’s irritating when it all looks dirty, stain and icky. It’s recommended to clean your floor every other day. Clean it as if it was your car. In order to have a spotless car, one needs to wax it. It’s the best form to get rid of the bugs and dirt off your car. That also includes washing it with car shampoo, rinsing and drying. It’s a similar concept to cleaning your Chandler tile and grout floor. Most individuals mop their floors with no-rinse cleaners, leave the floor wet, and let it air dry. That is not the proper method to clean your floor. The no-rinse cleaner loosens the dirt, but that’s it. Desert Tile and Grout is going to tell the big secret on keeping your tile and grout floor clean adequately.
That big secret to keep your floors clean is to dry the floor! That is it. By doing an extra step. Keep mopping the floor with no-rinse cleaner, rinse the floor with clear water, and then grab a white terry cloth towel and dry the whole floor with it. You will be surprised how disgusting and dirty the towel will be when you are done. It won’t be white, just be prepare for that. If you refuse to believe that by drying the floor is the proper form to have a spotless floor, do an experiment.
Let’s say you have tile and grout floors in Chandler in your kitchen, dining room and laundry room. Mop the dining room as usual, with no-rinse cleaner and let it air dry. Then, mop the kitchen, with no-rinse cleaner, but then rinse the floor with clean water. After that, grab your whitest, least favorite terry cloth towel and dry the floor. You don’t necessary have to be on all fours. Simply grab your broom and wrap the towel around it and sweep the floor like that. Next, mop the laundry room. Do the same procedure as you did in the kitchen, but skip rinsing the floors with clear water. Hopefully, by the time you are done with the kitchen and laundry room, the dining floor will be dry. Compare rooms and feel free to be bare foot to feel the difference. You’ll notice that the kitchen and laundry room looks clean and hygienic. Plus, if you are barefoot, it feels smooth. Whereas the dining room looks clean, but a few stains are still visible. And it does not feel as smooth as the kitchen and laundry room.
By mopping with a no-rinse cleaner and drying the floors with a terry cloth towel is a simple, easy and quick form of maintaining your tile and grout clean. If you want your tiles and grout to look beautiful and a restore the color, there is another complex way to do it. We have a formula that is convenient for tile. With four cups of water, ¼ cup each of baking soda and lemon juice, and ½ cup of vinegar (white, not the fancy salad dressing varieties) will help restore the color of the tile and grout. We recommend to do this process overnight. Make the mixture, paste it on your floors, and leave it overnight. In the morning, scrub it off with a nylon brush or, if you are hardcore, use a toothbrush. After that, mop, rinse, and dry your floors. Not only did you clean your floor, but also restored the color.
Having tile and grout is the best material to have in your house. It’s beautiful and durable. Your house can receive a lot foot traffic, and not scratch, scuff or chip the tile. Unless you have kids that love to play sports inside and skate around the house. Other than that, it is the best. To maintain it well and clean, sweep and mop it regularly. Sweeping keeps the dirt off the floor and from building up on the grout. By mopping, it removes the stains and preserves the floor clean. As long as you consider our big secret, drying the floors. So, sweep, mop with no-rinse cleaner and dry the floors. This is the easy, simple method to keep it spotless. If you want a well restoration of your tile, contact Desert Tile and we will provide our best services for you.

Desert Tile and Grout Care - Josh Parkhouse
2917 E. Park Avenue Gilbert, Arizona 85234
Office: 480-288-4475
Email: [email protected]
Posted: November 9, 2016