Preparing Your Scottsdale Tile Floors for Company
Easter holidays often brings house guests and visitors with it. You may even have family staying with you during spring break.
Since you live in Scottsdale where the winters feel more like the fall in other areas of the country, you likely will have guests who want to stay a little longer. You’ll want to make your home as inviting as possible for your company.

Preparing Your Scottsdale Tile Floors for Company
Clean and beautiful floors can make a big difference to the look and feel of your home. They are one of the most important things your guests will notice during their stay. Here are a few things you can do to get your tile floors ready for your company:
Deep Clean
Deep cleaning is the first step for getting any part of your house ready for company, but it is especially important for your Scottsdale tile floors. Foot traffic spreads dirt, water and debris across your floor and causes it to get into your grout. Over time, the tile and the grout will look dirty and dingy.
Buy powerful cleaners to get a deep clean of your floors, lifting out as much of the dirt and stains as you can. Just make sure that the cleaners you buy don’t actually damage the floor. For example, bleach can get grout clean, but it can also break down the grout and make it more vulnerable to further damage and staining.
Don’t trade one problem for another. Use the right products to clean and protect your floors at the same time.
Invest in Professional Tile and Grout Cleaning
If you have neglected your floors, they may require more than a deep cleaning. When store-bought cleaners won’t do the work, you may need to invest in professional Scottdale ceramic tile cleaning.
Professional tile and grout cleaning can lift out even the toughest stains and get your floors looking like new again. You may discover that your floors are a different color than you thought because they have been dulled or discolored by so many years of dirt and stains.
Professional Scottsdale Saltillo tile cleaning can also get results without damaging the surface of your tile or the grout. The floors will look beautiful, but they will also be strong and healthy.
Repair Broken Tile and Grout
Of course, cleaning won’t make your floors look beautiful if they are broken or in disrepair. If you have any broken tile, you need to fix it.
You may be able to fix a tile or two by yourself, but if there are more broken tiles, you may need to call in the professionals. The nature of the damage will also determine whether you can fix it. For example, if a tile has come loose and fallen out of space as a whole, you can likely remove the grout and put a new tile right in place. However, if the tile has cracked and you have to remove it, the job may be a little trickier and may require professional help.
If your floors are very old, you may also have a hard time finding matching tile to replace the broken tiles. Ideally, you would have gotten some extra tiles when your floor was installed, but if you did not, or if you have run out of extras, you’ll need to work with a professional to either find a matching replacement or to come up with another creative solution.
You will also need to repair grout that is crumbling or falling out. The grout protects the tile and the subfloor, and without it, water and debris will seep through and cause damage.
Reseal Grout
Grout plays an important role in the protection of your tile floors and in the look. Crumbling grout allows water to penetrate, and dirty and stained grout makes the floors look old and filthy. You will need a professional Scottsdale grout repair, clean and sealing to counteract the damages.
Sealing the grout protects it from stains and damage. But the sealing can also break down over time. It is important that you regularly reseal the grout to keep your tile floors protected. Doing so will also minimize your maintenance and save you money on unnecessary repairs in the long run.
Add a Splash of Color
Many years of staining and neglect can also dull the surface of your tile floors or discolor them. Even after you invest in professional tile cleaning, you may find that your floors still don’t look quite like they once did. They may have areas of splotchy color or they may be permanently dulled.
The same professionals who perform your tile and grout cleaning should also be able to stain or colorize your tile floors. This service can give your floors the pop of color that they are missing, making them look like new again.
You can even get your floors stained or colorized if you just want a different look for them. You don’t have to be trying to restore them. Staining and colorizing can be like a makeover for your floors. You can get a whole new look without having to invest in new floors, which will save you a lot of time and money.
Taking these steps won’t just make your tile floors look beautiful for your company; they will also make your home feel more comfortable and inviting for you and your family. You’ll love coming home each day.
Desert Tile and Grout Cleaning offers professional tile cleaning in Arizona. We can restore your floors with professional tile and grout cleaning that will have them looking beautiful again. Whether you want to restore the floors in your home or your heavily trafficked business, we can help you. We also clean tile and stone patios and walkways, and we work inside or out. No matter how old or stained your floors are, we have solutions that can get results.
Call us before you are getting ready to welcome company or call us as part of your upcoming spring cleaning. You’ll love the look of your floors, and you’ll save yourself on repairs and replacement in the long run.

Desert Tile and Grout Care - Josh Parkhouse
2917 E. Park Avenue Gilbert, Arizona 85234
Office: 480-288-4475
Email: [email protected]
Posted: March 4, 2016